The Squirrel Scramble


Meet at 6:30 pm Every Wednesday evening at Mighty Squirrel taproom in Waltham, MA

MAY 15 COURSE: lower Bentley U. campus course

NOTE: During annoying or really cold weather will be meeting inside the main entrance, and having our post-run beers wherever you’d like. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Scott at


The Somerville Road Runners have partnered with Mighty Squirrel to bring a free weekly fun run to our club and the local community. Many SRR members who live west of the city have a harder time getting into Somerville after work, so we thought we'd offer something a little easier to get to. Much like the Bur-run, this is a fun run, meaning not a race and no timing, and it is open to all and everyone - no need to be a club member to run with us!

Mighty Squirrel is located on Rt. 60 in Waverly Oaks (411 Waverley Oaks Rd, Waltham, MA). There is plenty of parking there if you want to drive, or you can take a bus or the commuter rail to Waverly Square in Belmont and walk/run 0.8 miles to the brewery. Up for a bike ride? It’s only 5.5 miles from Davis Square.

Ready to run!

Runners should show up by 6:30pm outside the main patio in nice weather or inside by the main bar in cooler weather (look for SRR singlet) , and the run will begin from the brewery at 6:45pm. The brewery cannot provide a space to leave your bags and gear. Please leave them in your car during the run. All runners will need to sign a waiver to run with us. 

Cheers, salud, na zdraví, ke aloha, l’chaim and prost!

We alternate the course we use week to week. All courses will be between 3.5 and 4.5 miles. Sometimes we will run trails when it’s light enough out. This week, May 15, we're going to run the lower Bentley U. campus course which will bring us back to the taproom via a trail that parallels the commuter line track. It's about 3.8 miles, and there are some roots and rocks along the trail. We'll go nice and slow through that section.

As always you can choose to run our default course, a 3.49 mile loop running through Waltham and Belmont.

A counter-clockwise loop through Waltham and Belmont.

For those of you who are looking for a shorter course or building up your training for a 5K or other distance, we have a 2-mile course you can also choose from.

The brewery is a great spot to visit - there are two bars inside offering up some very tasty beer, and two large outdoor patios we can use in good weather. And the patios are dog-friendly, so if your pooch loves to run and you love beer, it’s a date!

If you like this run, you should check out SRR’s other weekly runs, the Bur-run out of The Burren in Davis Square on Monday nights, The Wednesday Morning Run through Somerville, Arlington and Cambridge, and Casey’s Thursday Night Run out of Casey’s Tavern in East Somerville.