Somerville Road Runners
Elected Officers
All elected board members must be current, dues-paying members. All positions may serve multiple terms.
Term: Elected for one year
Acts as the Club's Chief Executive Officer and shall supervise and control all business and affairs of the Club, including the signing of all deeds, leases and written contracts in coordination with the Secretary and/or Treasurer
Is an official signer on the Club's bank accounts
Serves as spokesperson of Club (unless designates an alternate spokesperson)
Initiates and presides at regular board meetings, as well as Annual Meeting
Oversees selection and recognition of annual Club award recipients
Responds to emails directed to
Regularly attends club meetings
Term: Elected for one year
Perform the duties of the President in his/her absence
Is an official signer on the Club's bank accounts
Responds to emails directed to
Oversees the appointed positions
Regularly attends club meetings
Term: Elected for two years
Maintains Club bank accounts and is official signatory
Collects dues and makes deposits
Pays vendors and makes reimbursements with proper paperwork and approval
Provides a full report on club monies including income and expenses monthly
Keeps official copies of Articles of Incorporation, Club by-laws, tax filings and any other such documents important and necessary to the Club's record keeping and status as a not-for-profit corporation.
Ensures the Club makes a timely filing of necessary tax documents (including Federal and state tax returns and Form 1099 filings)
Responds to emails directed to
Regularly attends club meetings
Term: Elected for one year
Records minutes and reports of the organization and submit to Webmaster for posting to Club website
Serve as the official custodian of the records of the Club
Files any certificate required by any statute, federal or state
Oversees annual election process and tabulates/reports results
Attend to all other correspondence of the Club as needed and responds to emails directed to
Regularly attends club meetings
Members-At-Large (3 positions)
Term: Elected for one year
Serves on Board and will have various duties on an as-needed basis
Provides input on key decisions as determined by the Club
Contributes relevant expertise or guidance on matters relevant to the Club’s mission and objectives
Regularly attends club meetings